Maybe you are the "cool" generation If coolness means a capacity to stay calm and use your head in the service of ends passionately believed in, then it has my admiration.
Kingman Brewster, Jr. (A 20th Century Dude)
The above-mentioned statement exemplifies the image of a 20th century cool person. He was someone who cared little about the worldly things, someone who always appeared to be confident, someone who loved to be liked and liked to be loved, who had goals and almost always achieved them. .
Now, it's 2010. And the cool dudes of today are so much different than the cool dudes of the last century. It's not just what they are- its how they talk, how they walk, their interests, their hobbies et al. Today's cool dudes are more about presentability than personality. More about sound of their voice rather than the contents of their speech. So who is today's cool dude? And what is today's coolness quotient?
From a kind perusal of some of today's hunks, it can be said that the coolness quotient of today's dudes is directly proportional to:

1) Length of the hair
2) Curliness of their hair
3) Closeness of their jeans to their ass (or how less it's covering their ass!)
4) Number of intellectual sounding words they use (per minute!)
5) Number of highly popular, but hardly meaningful words they use ("whack", "yo", "bro", "sup" and "*uck" et all)
The definition and description of coolness has changed gradually over the decades. What people considered cool then, is so uncool now. Take this conversation from The Simpsons:
Homer: So, I realized that being with my family is more important
than being cool.
Bart: Dad, what you just said was powerfully uncool.
Homer: You know what the song says: "It's hip to be square".
Lisa: That song is so lame.
Homer: So lame that it's... cool?
Bart+Lisa: No.
Marge: Am I cool, kids?
Bart+Lisa: No.
Marge: Good. I'm glad. And that's what makes me cool, not caring,
Bart+Lisa: No.
Marge: Well, how the hell do you be cool? I feel like we've tried
everything here.
Homer: Wait, Marge. Maybe if you're truly cool, you don't need to
be told you're cool.
Bart: Well, sure you do.
Lisa: How else would you know?

Now, coolness is doing what your parents never wanted you to. Having a killer pickup line (preferably with >10 letters). Having a cool nickname, which has no relation to the person you are, the person you want to be, or even the English language! Going to a coffee shop and NOT asking about the contents of coffee, composition, amount of caffeine. . Its about ordering the coolest sounding coffee! Its about not listening to anybody! Or not letting them know that you did listen to them! Otherwise that'll be so uncool!
Be Cool. There are so many cool sounding jobs, cool sounding people out there. So many cool places. Being cool is entering a whole new world. A world with a new language, where there are so many intellectual sounding, looking, walking people (though not necessarily intellectual people). Cool world will be a perfect cure for global warming!